
Hello, I am Brian Coon
I am currently enrolled at Brigham Young University Idaho. I am currently majoring in Web Design & Development, with an emphasis in design. This has been a fun and exciting major for me, and I have found that this is something that I really enjoy. I am really glad that I decided to go back to school and reinvent myself. While I have always liked to be creative, I really had not taken it seriously up until a couple of years ago. I guess you could say that I kind of stumbled on this.
When I first started at BYU-I, my major was not Web Design & Development. I had always been into computers, so I started off majoring in Computer Information Technology thinking that I was going to work on computers. It was not until I took my first web class that was required for this major, that this is something that I really enjoyed. After some pondering and deciding that this was the path I wanted to go down, I decided to change my major to what it is now.
Because of this, I have been introduced to graphic design, which I have discovered that I really enjoy and have learned how to use Adobe Illustrator. Prior to this, I had no idea about it. I have never been good at all about hand drawing stuff, so that is why I have never taken graphic design seriously until I learned Illustrator. I have found working in Illustrator to be quite fun and rewarding.
Feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you. Thanks.
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